It's a big struggle to choose the correct degree.

International Foundation Year
Typical Course Duration
1 year
Bachelor/Undergraduate Degree
Typical Course Duration
3 to 4 years
Master's/Postgraduate Degree
Typical Course Duration
1 to 2 years
PhD/Research Degree
Typical Course Duration
3 to 5 years
With 1000's of degree subjects available to study around the world. It is important to find your strength and your skills to enter into correct degree.
Type of career
researching the type of career that will help you to grow and be successful. look at the trend in your chosen destination to be able to see skill shortages. Looking at the current shift in demand for example online survives are on the rise and therefore computer science degree might be an option.
Destination and affordability
Choose your destination carefully. things to lookout for is the reputation of the university, living cost, tuition fees, student jobs and multiculturalism. See our destination page to to find more information.